40 weeks + 2 days… and yes, I’m still very much PREGNANT This officially qualifies for the LONGEST PREGNANCY I’ve had yet
My first two babies were born in the 39th week but this bambino is apparently taking his sweet ole time making his entrance into this world.
And yes, all natural induction methods have been attempted. Walking, exercising, squatting, eating dates, acupressure massaging, etc. I’m barely sleeping because I worry when he’s not kicking/moving and can’t sleep when he is. My next appointment is Thursday, but I’m hoping he’s born before then
So, to pass the time, I am SO excited to share with you these images from my session with the Williams family.The mama Hannah booked her session with me all the way back in October! And it was during our very first conversation I realized we were the perfect fit. She had told me her story… how over the past few years, her family had been through various hardships including infertility, heartbreak and personal trials.
She was longing for a session that documented her family’s love, one that would signify fresh beginnings and — one that would highlight their renewed hope, faith and happiness due to God’s goodness and mercy in their lives.Fast forward eight months and our session was finally happening!
Everything about our evening together felt so effortless. The husband and wife naturally gravitated towards one another. The kids sought out their parents for snuggles. And the whole family seemed to genuinely enjoy each other’s presence.They danced in the ferns.They swayed in the sunlight.
They interlocked hands.
They touched each other with tenderness.
They connected without prompting.
They wrapped their arms around one another in prayer.
And all I did was document the beauty that was already there.
God bless you, Williams family. I’m so thankful to have met you– and I wish you all the best (6/16/20)